Cherubim and Seraphim
(Wake Prayer Ministry)
The Cherubim Ministry supports members of the bereaved family by journeying together with them, as they try to deal with the loss of their loved ones.
The demise of a member of Christ's Body provides the entire Christian community, the opportunity to express care & concern toward those who mourn. In addition to bringing comfort to the grieving, such outreach can help evangelize those who have been away from the Church as well as renew & revitalize parish life for those already involved in the ministry.
We organise and lead prayer services during the wakes and these sessions are held at 8 pm on weeknights and at 7 pm on weekends & public holidays. Members support the prayer services as and when we are available.
The Seraphim Ministry is primarily the funeral Mass choir but which also provides a Lector or Animator, an AV presenter and an organist during the funeral Mass. The members also support the Lay Funeral Minister at the crematorium or cemetery and again, members attend the funerals when able to do so.
The Lay Funeral Minister guides & assists the bereaved family to plan & select the funeral mass readings & hymns. He also conducts the Rite of Committal at either the crematorium or cemetery.
Cynthia Tan
Email: cynthia_tan_lee2004@yahoo.com.sg