Light of the Lord
Covenant Community
The Light of the Lord Covenant Community strives to live out the community life of the first disciples of Jesus as told in the Acts of the Apostles.
Our mission:
To witness to the power and love of Christ through the leading of the HolySpirit;
To evangelize thru building Christian Communities in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- both of the above intentions under the leadership & power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Community Activity
We are grouped into household cells and meet once a month for spiritual formation & teaching. Included in these gatherings are praise & worship sessions, breaking of God's Word and ministering to one another.
We also have charismatic-based weekly prayer meetings, which are opened to the larger community.
In outreach, apart from helping archdiocesan groups in forming community life, the LLCC also participates in the life of the parish through its members serving as Extraordinary Communion Ministers, Choristers, Wardens, Children’s Liturgy helpers and by assisting in the Wake Ministry among others.
Philip Kok
Being a member of the LLCC is not easy as it requires a commitment to living a life of humility, obedience and faithfulness. Membership has not turned me into a saint,
but it has helped me grow in many ways through the years.
The community has witnessed my boyfriend & I becoming husband & wife and seen our kids grow into teenagers and young adults. In fact, I became a member of the LLCC the year I got married
so we celebrate the same anniversary year! I remember as I was still in confinement following the birth of my youngest child, I had gone to the church nearest home for mass. There was a praise & worship session prior to the Mass and I was crying throughout because I was missing our weekly
praise & worship in the LLCC!
I derive great joy & contentment from the Light of the Lord Covenant Community.
It is my powerhouse of prayer, sustaining me during difficult periods of my life, especially when
I feel too discouraged to pray and listen to what the Lord would like to say to me.